Neuendorf: "DFB does not support the re-election of FIFA president Infantino"

The 73rd FIFA Congress will take place on Thursday (from 08:00 CET) in Kigali, the capital of Rwanda. An important item on the agenda when the 211 member associations meet is the election of the FIFA president, with Gianni Infantino standing unopposed for re-election. Bernd Neuendorf, president of the German Football Association (DFB), has made the following statement.

“The DFB will not support the re-election of FIFA president Gianni Infantino in Kigali. We have received little to no substantial information from FIFA in response to several inquiries from our part in recent weeks, especially on contentious issues. However, we can expect FIFA to take the concerns of its member associations seriously and address them. FIFA should become much more transparent and open in its dealings with the national associations. It is in its own interests to explain how and why certain decisions are made and who is involved in them. This has not been the case of late.

Nevertheless, there was a constructive exchange between several European member associations and the FIFA president on contentious issues today. We therefore remain hopeful that this will lead to an improvement in our cooperation in the future.

I am interested in maintaining a critical and constructive cooperation with FIFA, in particular with its president, and hope that this can be realised in the coming years.”


The 73rd FIFA Congress will take place on Thursday (from 08:00 CET) in Kigali, the capital of Rwanda. An important item on the agenda when the 211 member associations meet is the election of the FIFA president, with Gianni Infantino standing unopposed for re-election. Bernd Neuendorf, president of the German Football Association (DFB), has made the following statement.

“The DFB will not support the re-election of FIFA president Gianni Infantino in Kigali. We have received little to no substantial information from FIFA in response to several inquiries from our part in recent weeks, especially on contentious issues. However, we can expect FIFA to take the concerns of its member associations seriously and address them. FIFA should become much more transparent and open in its dealings with the national associations. It is in its own interests to explain how and why certain decisions are made and who is involved in them. This has not been the case of late.

Nevertheless, there was a constructive exchange between several European member associations and the FIFA president on contentious issues today. We therefore remain hopeful that this will lead to an improvement in our cooperation in the future.

I am interested in maintaining a critical and constructive cooperation with FIFA, in particular with its president, and hope that this can be realised in the coming years.”