Löw: “Very pleased with both friendlies”

Germany made it 21 consecutive games and a full calendar year unbeaten with a 2-2 draw against France. Joachim Löw was more than satisfied and full of praise for his team, particularly for their quick turnaround play in scoring the equaliser. DFB.de has the post-match reaction from the 2017 finale in Cologne.


...THE TWO INTERNATIONAL FRIENDLIES: I am very pleased with both friendlies. We played against two strong oppositions at a high level and have two good results to show for it. Going these two games unbeaten was by no means a formality, given England and France’s individual brilliance.

...THE FRANCE GAME: It was important not be nervous after going behind today and to keep playing our game. It’s clear that when we put the pressure on up front, we create good chances. Our quick turnaround from defence to attack for the first equaliser particularly impressed me. Playing the ball at the right time, that takes real skill in football. We did that very well today.

...TIMO WERNER AND KEVIN TRAPP: Timo Werner showed exactly what we wanted to see from him. He drops deep and poses a constant threat in front of goal. He’s had a fantastic year with us. I’m pleased for Kevin Trapp as well, who was able to make some excellent saves against a top opponent. Today’s game will give him confidence.

SAMI KHEDIRA: A draw is the fair result. We were a bit lucky in the first half that France didn’t score a second goal. But in the second half we pressed and could have scored a couple more ourselves. We showed good character despite going behind and showed that we can compete with teams at the highest level.

KEVIN TRAPP: I am very pleased I was picked today and that my manager put his trust in me. I haven’t played for a while now and it did me good to get back into the rhythm.

LARS STINDL: It was nice to help my team out with a goal tonight. It was created extremely well by Mesut Özil and Mario Götze. We basically tried to throw everything forward and we were rewarded for our effort in the end. I think it was a decent performance against a strong opposition. For me personally, it was an all-round successful year with the national team.

MARIO GÖTZE: That was a nice story for me today. I am also going home feeling positive; that was a step in the right direction. I worked for a long time to get back into the team.


Germany made it 21 consecutive games and a full calendar year unbeaten with a 2-2 draw against France. Joachim Löw was more than satisfied and full of praise for his team, particularly for their quick turnaround play in scoring the equaliser. DFB.de has the post-match reaction from the 2017 finale in Cologne.


...THE TWO INTERNATIONAL FRIENDLIES: I am very pleased with both friendlies. We played against two strong oppositions at a high level and have two good results to show for it. Going these two games unbeaten was by no means a formality, given England and France’s individual brilliance.

...THE FRANCE GAME: It was important not be nervous after going behind today and to keep playing our game. It’s clear that when we put the pressure on up front, we create good chances. Our quick turnaround from defence to attack for the first equaliser particularly impressed me. Playing the ball at the right time, that takes real skill in football. We did that very well today.

...TIMO WERNER AND KEVIN TRAPP: Timo Werner showed exactly what we wanted to see from him. He drops deep and poses a constant threat in front of goal. He’s had a fantastic year with us. I’m pleased for Kevin Trapp as well, who was able to make some excellent saves against a top opponent. Today’s game will give him confidence.

SAMI KHEDIRA: A draw is the fair result. We were a bit lucky in the first half that France didn’t score a second goal. But in the second half we pressed and could have scored a couple more ourselves. We showed good character despite going behind and showed that we can compete with teams at the highest level.

KEVIN TRAPP: I am very pleased I was picked today and that my manager put his trust in me. I haven’t played for a while now and it did me good to get back into the rhythm.

LARS STINDL: It was nice to help my team out with a goal tonight. It was created extremely well by Mesut Özil and Mario Götze. We basically tried to throw everything forward and we were rewarded for our effort in the end. I think it was a decent performance against a strong opposition. For me personally, it was an all-round successful year with the national team.

MARIO GÖTZE: That was a nice story for me today. I am also going home feeling positive; that was a step in the right direction. I worked for a long time to get back into the team.