Löw: “I’ll miss Bastian”

Germany won 2-0 against Finland in Bastian Schweinsteiger’s farewell game last night. It was an emotional evening for every involved at Gladbach’s Borussia-Park. DFB.de has the best of the post-match comments...

Coach Joachim Löw: It was a farewell that Bastian richly deserved. He served the national team for twelve years and without him, our success in this time wouldn’t have been possible. In the big tournaments we almost always reached the semi-finals. I always felt assured when he was on the pitch because he’s a player with leadership qualities who isn’t afraid to take on responsibility. I’ll miss him, not just as a footballer but as a person and because of his great sportsmanship. The game gave us a glimpse of the future as matches like these provide the younger players a chance and we are of course already planning for the World Cup in 2018. Today’s plan was to give minutes to those players who weren’t used at the Euros.

Bastian Schweinsteiger: It was a great pleasure for me to be able to wear this jersey again. I wanted to enjoy every moment but I never expected it to be as amazing as this. The national team is like a family and I have a great relationship with Joachim Löw as he’s been my coach for almost my whole international career.

Mesut Özil: Bastian is a great guy and a great footballer. The fans are grateful and so am I as I’ve been able to play together with such a great man.

Thomas Müller: Hat’s off to the fans – they gave Basti a great send-off and it really touched him, it was great to see. Also, congratulations to him on his great career with the national team. I’m also a little sad that we’ll never fight for victory together on the pitch again. He has always been there ever since I started at Bayern München and the national team.

Max Meyer: I couldn’t have imagined it to be any better. To be able to play with this team and the players was a great honour and I’m proud to have been a part of it.

Niklas Süle: It was an amazing feeling to experience the send-off of such a legend. He definitely deserved it. I’m ecstatic that I could celebrate my debut at Bastian Schweinsteiger’s farewell game.


Germany won 2-0 against Finland in Bastian Schweinsteiger’s farewell game last night. It was an emotional evening for every involved at Gladbach’s Borussia-Park. DFB.de has the best of the post-match comments...

Coach Joachim Löw: It was a farewell that Bastian richly deserved. He served the national team for twelve years and without him, our success in this time wouldn’t have been possible. In the big tournaments we almost always reached the semi-finals. I always felt assured when he was on the pitch because he’s a player with leadership qualities who isn’t afraid to take on responsibility. I’ll miss him, not just as a footballer but as a person and because of his great sportsmanship. The game gave us a glimpse of the future as matches like these provide the younger players a chance and we are of course already planning for the World Cup in 2018. Today’s plan was to give minutes to those players who weren’t used at the Euros.

Bastian Schweinsteiger: It was a great pleasure for me to be able to wear this jersey again. I wanted to enjoy every moment but I never expected it to be as amazing as this. The national team is like a family and I have a great relationship with Joachim Löw as he’s been my coach for almost my whole international career.

Mesut Özil: Bastian is a great guy and a great footballer. The fans are grateful and so am I as I’ve been able to play together with such a great man.

Thomas Müller: Hat’s off to the fans – they gave Basti a great send-off and it really touched him, it was great to see. Also, congratulations to him on his great career with the national team. I’m also a little sad that we’ll never fight for victory together on the pitch again. He has always been there ever since I started at Bayern München and the national team.

Max Meyer: I couldn’t have imagined it to be any better. To be able to play with this team and the players was a great honour and I’m proud to have been a part of it.

Niklas Süle: It was an amazing feeling to experience the send-off of such a legend. He definitely deserved it. I’m ecstatic that I could celebrate my debut at Bastian Schweinsteiger’s farewell game.