Fan Club member Weichert has “a wonderful celebration” with the Olympic team in Rio

Armin Weichert was on hand to celebrate the silver medal won by the German Olympic team. In the German area of the Olympic village Weichert, a member of the Fan Club Nationalmannschaft, experienced the celebrations at close quarters. The 53-year-old imports beer into his adopted country from a small privately owned German brewery as a hobby, and so was able to come in contact with the DOSB (German Olympic Sports Confederation) and join-in on the silver medal celebrations. Weichter talks about his experiences in the German area of the village and the reception he received from the national team in an interview with Martin Imruck.

DFB: Armin, how was the atmosphere on the final day amongst the players?

Armin Weichert: The atmosphere before the match was brilliant. During the game, it got even better due to the great performance from the boys. During the day other important events took place but did any of the other athletes watch the game with you?

Weichert: The day was generally very successful. For the German canoeists there was a flood of medals, as well as this the four man kayak team won the silver medal. They all got together to watch the game. How was the team received in the evening?

Weichert: Although they “only” won the silver medal, it didn’t dampen the mood – the opposite happened in actual fact. As the team came out with slightly lowered heads, they were cheered. What kind of impression did the players give?

Weichert: The negative atmosphere at the start quickly turned into joy. DFB president Reinhard Grindel and DFB sporting director Hansi Flick were also there and gave the team their approval. Coach Horst Hrubesch cheered up the lads with his positive attitude so that they could really celebrate. You were with your whole family in the city. Safe to say you will not be forgetting this evening any time soon?

Weichert: For me, as well as for my wife and son, it was a wonderful celebration. All the athletes and footballers mixed with the people, they were approachable and open with fans. The German delegation, just like at the World Cup, made a very positive impression in Brazil. You have lived in Brazil for over 20 years. How did you find the general opinion of the German sportspeople in the city?

Weichert: The impression I was given from friends, colleagues, even taxi drivers, was that the German athletes were in a constant state of euphoria and looked to be really enjoying themselves. They realised that the Germans were very enthusiastic about participating in the games and the Brazilians did not only take to the Germans for their discipline and successes. Especially in the football, where the Germans showed humility, and because of that everyone could celebrate and enjoy themselves together.


Armin Weichert was on hand to celebrate the silver medal won by the German Olympic team. In the German area of the Olympic village Weichert, a member of the Fan Club Nationalmannschaft, experienced the celebrations at close quarters. The 53-year-old imports beer into his adopted country from a small privately owned German brewery as a hobby, and so was able to come in contact with the DOSB (German Olympic Sports Confederation) and join-in on the silver medal celebrations. Weichter talks about his experiences in the German area of the village and the reception he received from the national team in an interview with Martin Imruck.

DFB: Armin, how was the atmosphere on the final day amongst the players?

Armin Weichert: The atmosphere before the match was brilliant. During the game, it got even better due to the great performance from the boys. During the day other important events took place but did any of the other athletes watch the game with you?

Weichert: The day was generally very successful. For the German canoeists there was a flood of medals, as well as this the four man kayak team won the silver medal. They all got together to watch the game. How was the team received in the evening?

Weichert: Although they “only” won the silver medal, it didn’t dampen the mood – the opposite happened in actual fact. As the team came out with slightly lowered heads, they were cheered. What kind of impression did the players give?

Weichert: The negative atmosphere at the start quickly turned into joy. DFB president Reinhard Grindel and DFB sporting director Hansi Flick were also there and gave the team their approval. Coach Horst Hrubesch cheered up the lads with his positive attitude so that they could really celebrate. You were with your whole family in the city. Safe to say you will not be forgetting this evening any time soon?

Weichert: For me, as well as for my wife and son, it was a wonderful celebration. All the athletes and footballers mixed with the people, they were approachable and open with fans. The German delegation, just like at the World Cup, made a very positive impression in Brazil. You have lived in Brazil for over 20 years. How did you find the general opinion of the German sportspeople in the city?

Weichert: The impression I was given from friends, colleagues, even taxi drivers, was that the German athletes were in a constant state of euphoria and looked to be really enjoying themselves. They realised that the Germans were very enthusiastic about participating in the games and the Brazilians did not only take to the Germans for their discipline and successes. Especially in the football, where the Germans showed humility, and because of that everyone could celebrate and enjoy themselves together.