DFB back Aleksander Ceferin for UEFA President

The German Football Association (DFB) will vote for Slovenian candidate Aleksander Ceferin in the UEFA presidential election on the 14th September. The decision was decided on unanimously at the board’s meeting in Frankfurt am Main today.

The vote by the committee took place following personal meetings as well as an intensive overview of and discussion about the manifestos of the three candidates, Aleksander Ceferin, Michael van Praag (Netherlands) and Angel Maria Villar Llona (Spain). The Slovenian president’s ideas and aims convinced representatives from the league and amateur football that he was the right candidate.

DFB hoping for continuity and stability at the head of UEFA

The DFB board is strongly in favour of Ceferins plans to build a dialogue between the national associations, leagues and clubs and to consider their interests, as well as understanding football’s social responsibility, adhering to principals of good governance and transparency in UEFA and keeping the integrity of the game through working on central topics such as compliance, match fixing, anti-doping and fighting against all forms of corruption. Furthermore, Ceferin announced he would stand up for sustainable football development to promote amateur football on the international stage.

The DFB committee is backing the 48-year-old lawyer at the election, not only because of his manifesto but also because of a desire to have continuity and the stability at the top of UEFA that is necessary, in order to tackle the large and numerous challenges facing international football.

All of the three candidates and UEFA have been informed of the board’s decision.


The German Football Association (DFB) will vote for Slovenian candidate Aleksander Ceferin in the UEFA presidential election on the 14th September. The decision was decided on unanimously at the board’s meeting in Frankfurt am Main today.

The vote by the committee took place following personal meetings as well as an intensive overview of and discussion about the manifestos of the three candidates, Aleksander Ceferin, Michael van Praag (Netherlands) and Angel Maria Villar Llona (Spain). The Slovenian president’s ideas and aims convinced representatives from the league and amateur football that he was the right candidate.

DFB hoping for continuity and stability at the head of UEFA

The DFB board is strongly in favour of Ceferins plans to build a dialogue between the national associations, leagues and clubs and to consider their interests, as well as understanding football’s social responsibility, adhering to principals of good governance and transparency in UEFA and keeping the integrity of the game through working on central topics such as compliance, match fixing, anti-doping and fighting against all forms of corruption. Furthermore, Ceferin announced he would stand up for sustainable football development to promote amateur football on the international stage.

The DFB committee is backing the 48-year-old lawyer at the election, not only because of his manifesto but also because of a desire to have continuity and the stability at the top of UEFA that is necessary, in order to tackle the large and numerous challenges facing international football.

All of the three candidates and UEFA have been informed of the board’s decision.