DFB and Council sign contract to build on site

The German Football Association (DFB) has acquired the rights to land around the racecourse in Frankfurt to build the new DFB academy. President Wolfgang Niersbach, General Secretary Helmut Sandrock as well as the Mayor of Frankfurt Olaf Cunitz and Head of Sport Markus Frank were present at the ceremony. The lease will last 99 years for the 15 hectare site – there is an option to purchase an additional five hectares – and comes at the cost of €6,835,000. The payment will be made when the site is handed over to the DFB on 1st January 2016.

DFB President Wolfgang Niersbach said: “This is another step towards the creation of the DFB academy. The necessary documentation has now been dealt with and it’s now time to embark on creating the academy. We would like to thank the city of Frankfurt am Main, who negotiated a fair deal with us and have provided the ideal location for our ambitious project.”

Olaf Cunitz, Mayor of Frankfurt, added: “I am convinced that the DFB academy is a win-win situation for football and the city of Frankfurt am Main. It is a visible investment in the city’s relationship with the DFB and is an exciting project for all involved. I am grateful to the decision makes at the DFB for this commitment to our city.”

213 proposals, 30 will make the shortlist

The competition for architects to design the DFB academy and new DFB headquarters has now closed. 213 proposals, including a number from abroad, were submitted to the DFB in recent weeks.

DFB general secretary Helmut Sandrock went on to say: “The high number of applications shows just how interesting and prestigious this project is. Designs were sent to us from across the world, it wasn’t just German architects. We have narrowed it down to 30 proposals, including 18 German ones.”

In the coming weeks these architects will be creating designs for the academy and the new DFB headquarters. The 30 designs will be presented to a panel including representatives of the DFB, the city of Frankfurt am Main and a number of architects on 9th February 2015. A final decision on the design of the complexes will be made on 18th May 2015.


The German Football Association (DFB) has acquired the rights to land around the racecourse in Frankfurt to build the new DFB academy. President Wolfgang Niersbach, General Secretary Helmut Sandrock as well as the Mayor of Frankfurt Olaf Cunitz and Head of Sport Markus Frank were present at the ceremony. The lease will last 99 years for the 15 hectare site – there is an option to purchase an additional five hectares – and comes at the cost of €6,835,000. The payment will be made when the site is handed over to the DFB on 1st January 2016.

DFB President Wolfgang Niersbach said: “This is another step towards the creation of the DFB academy. The necessary documentation has now been dealt with and it’s now time to embark on creating the academy. We would like to thank the city of Frankfurt am Main, who negotiated a fair deal with us and have provided the ideal location for our ambitious project.”

Olaf Cunitz, Mayor of Frankfurt, added: “I am convinced that the DFB academy is a win-win situation for football and the city of Frankfurt am Main. It is a visible investment in the city’s relationship with the DFB and is an exciting project for all involved. I am grateful to the decision makes at the DFB for this commitment to our city.”

213 proposals, 30 will make the shortlist

The competition for architects to design the DFB academy and new DFB headquarters has now closed. 213 proposals, including a number from abroad, were submitted to the DFB in recent weeks.

DFB general secretary Helmut Sandrock went on to say: “The high number of applications shows just how interesting and prestigious this project is. Designs were sent to us from across the world, it wasn’t just German architects. We have narrowed it down to 30 proposals, including 18 German ones.”

In the coming weeks these architects will be creating designs for the academy and the new DFB headquarters. The 30 designs will be presented to a panel including representatives of the DFB, the city of Frankfurt am Main and a number of architects on 9th February 2015. A final decision on the design of the complexes will be made on 18th May 2015.