
Video: Drone at training camp

It offered a completely different perspective but was exciting and fascinating nonetheless. At the Germany women’s team training camp, which is taking place in Marbella until Thursday, a seemingly unidentified flying object caused a sensation. It wasn’t however Germany’s opponents trying to spy and discover their rival’s tactics. In actual fact, it was a drone controlled by DFB-TV’s cameraman Paul Lindemann which hovered about the heads of Nadine Angerer and co. and provided national coach Silvia Neid with exceptional images of the team training.

It was clear to see that the players had a lot of fun with the drone. Anja Mittag, Lira Alushi und Annike Krahn tried in vain to grab the drone while Celia Sasic was unsure about it and scarpered. The drone was only allowed to be used during the warm-up and cool-down; it was completely prohibited during games. The unusual use of the camera at times provided interesting insights and perspectives from up above.

The training camp in Marbella serves as the start of their preparation for the World Cup which will take place from the 6th June to the 5th July 2015. After the training camp, the DFB-Team have the opportunity to pit themselves against first-class opponents at the Algarve Cup in Portugal (4th - 11th March) before a friendly in Fürth against Brazil on the 8th April (18:00 CET). Direct preparation for the World Cup will begin on the 18th May with another international fixture scheduled. The team will leave for Canada on 31st May.

created by mmc/kr

It offered a completely different perspective but was exciting and fascinating nonetheless. At the Germany women’s team training camp, which is taking place in Marbella until Thursday, a seemingly unidentified flying object caused a sensation. It wasn’t however Germany’s opponents trying to spy and discover their rival’s tactics. In actual fact, it was a drone controlled by DFB-TV’s cameraman Paul Lindemann which hovered about the heads of Nadine Angerer and co. and provided national coach Silvia Neid with exceptional images of the team training.

It was clear to see that the players had a lot of fun with the drone. Anja Mittag, Lira Alushi und Annike Krahn tried in vain to grab the drone while Celia Sasic was unsure about it and scarpered. The drone was only allowed to be used during the warm-up and cool-down; it was completely prohibited during games. The unusual use of the camera at times provided interesting insights and perspectives from up above.

The training camp in Marbella serves as the start of their preparation for the World Cup which will take place from the 6th June to the 5th July 2015. After the training camp, the DFB-Team have the opportunity to pit themselves against first-class opponents at the Algarve Cup in Portugal (4th - 11th March) before a friendly in Fürth against Brazil on the 8th April (18:00 CET). Direct preparation for the World Cup will begin on the 18th May with another international fixture scheduled. The team will leave for Canada on 31st May.