
Neuer: "I can deal with mistakes"

Neuer: Yes, it has become exciting for the neutrals. But we believe in ourselves, and are looking forward to the next Champions League match.

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Bayern München suffered their first home defeat of the season last night, after losing 2-0 to FC Arsenal in the Champions League. Manuel Neuer, who made a couple of world class saves throughout the match, was responsible in part for the loss. The 29-year-old spoke to DFB about his fatal error.

Question: Mr. Neuer, talk us through the first goal.

Manuel Neuer: I made a mistake in that I ran out to claim it. If I had stayed on my line, then nothing would have happened.

Question: Is must be difficult being a goalkeeper, particularly as you made so many good saves beforehand?

Neuer: Of course it is very frustrating, but I know that I had a very good game. I know the mistakes that were made, life goes on.

Question: Were you able to get over it quickly?

Neuer: I immediately got over it – and played well afterwards. I was a bit unlucky that the ball went over the line at their second goal. I actually did stop it, but it was already in. I can deal with situations like that, and I know that things like that always happen.

Question: What was the reason for the defeat from your point of view?

Neuer: We had a lot of chances, Petr Cech did very well in goal as well. We simply weren’t able to keep our cool in the key moments. And we were punished. We could have been punished in the first half but ultimately they took the lead through my mistake. It is a bit frustrating.

Question: Were you impressed by Arsenal’s mettle?

Neuer: They don’t usually play like that. Normally in the Premier League they have more possession, regardless of whether they are home or away. It was of course dangerous for us. We created our chances, especially when one or two defensive players helped out offensively. They have very fast players though, which is always threatening.

Question: How difficult is it to play against this kind of opposition?

Neuer: We had enough chances.

Question: Given your dominance in the Bundesliga, is this defeat a warning?

Neuer: No, we know that we played good football here, we just didn’t manage to get the goal.

Question: It will now be a bit more interesting in terms of the group, right?

Neuer: Yes, it has become exciting for the neutrals. But we believe in ourselves, and are looking forward to the next Champions League match.