
Melanie Behringer: "A perfect day" Who would that be exactly?

Behringer: Melanie Leupolz, Laura Benkarth and Verena Feißt, of course. What do you make of the younger players in the Germany squad at the moment?

Behringer: Well, when I consider how much they've improved already compared to us back then - it's a remarkable difference. What would you say has changed since then?

Behringer: Youth development has come on leaps and bounds, these girls have been playing at the highest level in the Bundesliga for much longer than we had at their age. You can tell by their technical ability and athleticism. A lot has changed in the past few years in that regard. It's all very positive for the future.

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The Germany women's national team sealed their place at the 2015 Women's World Cup in style on Wednesday with a 2-0 win over the Republic of Ireland - their tenth victory in as many qualifiers. The match at the Voith Arena was a particularly special occasion for Melanie Behringer.

The 28-year old FC Bayern Munich midfielder, who marked her 100th international appearance with the opening goal in Heidenheim, spoke to staffer Annette Seitz after the match about her special day, her career highlights and her potential successors in the national team. Congratulations on winning your 100th international cap Melanie. What did you make of the match?

Melanie Behringer: We won 2-0, I played the entire match, scored a goal and enjoyed the whole experience with players who have been my team-mates for almost ten years now. In short, it was a perfect day. What does making your 100th international appearance mean to you?

Behringer: I'm proud, because it's something that not every player is able to achieve in her career. I'm happy that so many people are here who I've played with for so long: Célia, Natze, Anja and Annike (Célia Sasic, Nadine Angerer, Anja Mittag and Annike Krahn - Editor's note). It was great that Babett Peter was here, too. That made the whole experience extra special for me. Just how important was it for you to reach the 100 mark?

Behringer: Anja and Annike both managed it before me and I really wanted to be next. Reaching 100 caps is a great achievement. There aren't that many female players who've managed it. Do you remember much of your international debut?

Behringer: It was on 28 January 2005 against Australia in China. Tina Theune was still in charge back then. I was named in the starting line-up and remember well how exhausted I was, because I wasn't used to the pace at that level. Annike and Célie were already full internationals by then. What are the highlights of your international career to date?

Behringer: There are lots. The tournament's I've played in were particularly special: the Under-19s World Cup, the Women's European Championships and World Cup. There are so many highlights and the good definitely outweighs the bad. (laughs) What was your best goal in international colours?

Behringer: That's obvious: my Goal of the Month at the European Championships in Finland in 2009. Who would you say are your closest mates in the Germany squad?

Behringer: Annike has been here since I made my international debut. I get on best with her and Babs - Babett Peter. And I mustn't forget my fellow Südbad natives. Who would that be exactly?

Behringer: Melanie Leupolz, Laura Benkarth and Verena Feißt, of course. What do you make of the younger players in the Germany squad at the moment?

Behringer: Well, when I consider how much they've improved already compared to us back then - it's a remarkable difference. What would you say has changed since then?

Behringer: Youth development has come on leaps and bounds, these girls have been playing at the highest level in the Bundesliga for much longer than we had at their age. You can tell by their technical ability and athleticism. A lot has changed in the past few years in that regard. It's all very positive for the future.