
Karakas: "Flick really motivated us" There are three Bochum players, yourself, Gökhan Gül and Görkem Saglam, in the squad. Does that make you feel more secure and welcome in the team?

Karakas: Absolutely. It’s good to have some guys who you know a bit better. I also get on well with the other players though. You also helped the U-17 side at VfL avoid relegation from the Bundesliga.

Karakas: True. Gökhan, Görkem and I were moved into the U19 side in the first half of the season but when the U17s got drawn into a relegation battle, we were included in their side once again. We managed to escape from relegation in the final match and therefore could travel to the European Championship with a positive feeling. Some well-known clubs and said to be interested in you. Do you notice the attention and rumours?

Karakas: No. My mentor and VfL try to keep me away from it all so I can concentrate fully on playing football. That’s the most important thing for me. I’d like to continue my development at VfL.

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DFB manager Christian Wück describes him as a versatile defender with many qualities. VfL Bochum’s Erdinc Karakas proved this statement to be true during the 2-0 win over Belgium in the first match at the U17 European Championship. Karakas played at the heart of defence in the first half before switching to the left wing for the second period and delivered impressive displays in both positions. According to the manager, the 17-year-old is a rather quiet member of the squad but he still isn’t sure if he’s actually quite crafty and wily. caught up with Erdinc Karakas to get to the bottom of things. The defender also spoke about how the side are preparing for their second group game, which sees them face Slovenia on Saturday (18:00 CEST). Erdinc, congratulations for the first victory! You certainly played major role in achieving the result. What type of person are you? Do you agree with Christian Wück’s assessment?

Erdinc Karakas: His evaluation is correct, both from a sporting and personal side. I am rather quiet, but not always. I’m also up for having fun and joking around but I take care to not get carried away. (laughs) You made a solid debut at the European Championship. You started at central defence then you later played on the left side. How was the match against Belgium?

Karakas: We started the game really well and clearly dominated in the first 15 minutes. Afterwards there was a slight break in our game – I don’t know why. We were lacking a bit of concentration and were having to chase the ball. Belgium carved out some really good opportunities during this period and we were lucky that they couldn’t capitalise and take the lead. It went better in the second half.

Karakas: Correct. Following the two quick goals, our nerves subsided; we grew in confidence and finally started to play as we wanted to beforehand. What did the manager say at half time?

Karakas: He reminded us of our strengths: to stay compact, not allow them to have much room, not to give the ball away so quickly and to pass the ball around precisely and quickly. We followed this guidance but obviously also had a bit of luck on our side with the two quick goals… ...which were both scored from distance. Were you surprised by the shots?

Karakas: No, we know that both Felix Passlack and Niklas Schmidt are capable of that from training. You did your fair share to help the team secure the win. Christian Wück moved you to the left side, down which most of the Belgian attacks were coming, at half time.

Karakas: That’s right. The manager instructed me to prevent them from coming down the left so often and to keep tabs on their number 7, Ismail Azzaoui. I think that I succeeded in doing just that but we also generally defended better as a team compared to the first half. Do you feel more comfortable playing in the centre or on the outside?

Karakas: I always play in central defence for my club therefore that’s my preferred position; however, if the manager needs me to play on the left, I’ll happily do just that. What’s the mood like amongst the players after the first victory?

Karakas: Actually really good. Niklas Dorsch’s injury, however, makes us all sad because he’s an extremely important player for us. Hansi Flick spoke to the team the day after the opening victory to get them all fired up and help them prepare for the next few days. What did you make of him coming to speak to you all?

Karakas: It came as a pleasant surprise to us. What he said was very motivating and gave us encouragement for the upcoming challenges. We’re proud that he’s here supporting us. What’s the plan now for the next few days?

Karakas: We need to recharge our batteries and prepare for the next match against Slovenia. Just like Hansi Flick said, we’ve taken the first step. It is therefore important to maintain fully focussed. School is also a part of our schedule. How are things going for you at school?

Karakas: I attend the Geschwister-Scholl-Gesamtschule in Lünen. My aim is to complete my Abitur (German equivalent of English A Levels) here. It’s actually going well. However, if we progress a long way at the European Championship, I’ll only have twelve days left of school in this academic year in which I have to sit six exams. That will be a bit challenging. It is possible to work on the go but I want to give the tournament my full concentration. There are three Bochum players, yourself, Gökhan Gül and Görkem Saglam, in the squad. Does that make you feel more secure and welcome in the team?

Karakas: Absolutely. It’s good to have some guys who you know a bit better. I also get on well with the other players though. You also helped the U-17 side at VfL avoid relegation from the Bundesliga.

Karakas: True. Gökhan, Görkem and I were moved into the U19 side in the first half of the season but when the U17s got drawn into a relegation battle, we were included in their side once again. We managed to escape from relegation in the final match and therefore could travel to the European Championship with a positive feeling. Some well-known clubs and said to be interested in you. Do you notice the attention and rumours?

Karakas: No. My mentor and VfL try to keep me away from it all so I can concentrate fully on playing football. That’s the most important thing for me. I’d like to continue my development at VfL.