
Hector: "Sometimes you’re a hero, sometimes you’re not"

90 nerve-wracking minutes. The Scottish fans lived up to their reputation, as the World Cup winners played in front of an impressive crowd. After the 3-2 win away to Scotland in the European Championship qualifier, Jonas Hector spoke to us about the game, his development and their position in the qualifying stage. Mr Hector, what was the atmosphere at Hampden like?

Jonas Hector: It was the first time that I have played there and it was stunning, a really impressive experience. Germany didn’t necessarily impress in front of the home crowd though?

Hector: I think that we were always in control. The goals we conceded came from set pieces, which is annoying. We could have won more convincingly. We wanted to win, and consolidate our lead on the pitch, and we did that. What will Germany take out of this game?

Hector: We must defend better from set pieces and play with more of a purpose up front, but it is difficult when your opponents almost completely park the bus. The result was an achievement. We were dominant, and despite not having a great deal of chances, managed to create one or two more goals. Overall we can be pleased. You played the last game too. What would you say regarding your place in the team at the moment?

Hector: Of course, I am happy that I am getting so much game time, and am trying my best to justify being put in the team. I have played quite a lot now, and feel integrated. I will get better with every game. How does it feel to be receiving all this praise for your international performances?

Hector: I know that football has to be taken day by day. Sometimes you’re a hero, sometimes you’re not. Things are going very well for the national team at the moment, and for me personally too. I will now try to continue my form in the Bundesliga, and hopefully I will be called up for the next set of international fixtures. Have you any doubt about whether Germany will qualify for the European Championship?

Hector: We only need to win one more game, so no.

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90 nerve-wracking minutes. The Scottish fans lived up to their reputation, as the World Cup winners played in front of an impressive crowd. After the 3-2 win away to Scotland in the European Championship qualifier, Jonas Hector spoke to us about the game, his development and their position in the qualifying stage. Mr Hector, what was the atmosphere at Hampden like?

Jonas Hector: It was the first time that I have played there and it was stunning, a really impressive experience. Germany didn’t necessarily impress in front of the home crowd though?

Hector: I think that we were always in control. The goals we conceded came from set pieces, which is annoying. We could have won more convincingly. We wanted to win, and consolidate our lead on the pitch, and we did that. What will Germany take out of this game?

Hector: We must defend better from set pieces and play with more of a purpose up front, but it is difficult when your opponents almost completely park the bus. The result was an achievement. We were dominant, and despite not having a great deal of chances, managed to create one or two more goals. Overall we can be pleased. You played the last game too. What would you say regarding your place in the team at the moment?

Hector: Of course, I am happy that I am getting so much game time, and am trying my best to justify being put in the team. I have played quite a lot now, and feel integrated. I will get better with every game. How does it feel to be receiving all this praise for your international performances?

Hector: I know that football has to be taken day by day. Sometimes you’re a hero, sometimes you’re not. Things are going very well for the national team at the moment, and for me personally too. I will now try to continue my form in the Bundesliga, and hopefully I will be called up for the next set of international fixtures. Have you any doubt about whether Germany will qualify for the European Championship?

Hector: We only need to win one more game, so no.