
Frohms on the Warner documentary: “A brilliant project”

The Germany Women’s team play in World Cup qualifying this week. They take on Bulgaria on Saturday (16:05 CEST) in Cottbus and against Serbia on Tuesday (16:00 CEST) in Chemnitz. We spoke to goalkeeper Merle Frohms (26) about the upcoming fixtures and about the planned documentary series on the DFB-Frauen from Warner Bros.

Merle Frohms on...

...World Cup qualifying as preparation for the Euros: We want to dominate in the upcoming qualifiers and be successful. We do also have one eye on the Euros, which is our main focus for next year, so it’s no bad thing that we are able to prepare for that with competitive games.

...first opponents Bulgaria: National team fixtures are always special. You can’t underestimate any opponent and for Bulgaria, playing against us is like a cup final. They’ll do everything they can to frustrate us, but we want to impose ourselves on the game and dominate.

...the Warner Bros. docuseries: It’s a brilliant project. We were super excited when we found out what the team had planned. We all have our own stories, and it came together right from the start as we immediately felt part of the film crew. I was a bit sceptical at first, when Martina Hänsel (Producer and director at Warner Bros.) came to me and asked if we could film something involving my movement and dance rhythms, but I accepted the challenge and it also became clear that there was no pressure. Everything was really relaxed.

...opinions on the series: We haven’t yet sat down as a team and discussed what should be shown and what should be left out. It was agreed from the start, however, that no one should be forced into anything.

...the team’s stars of the screen: There are a few players who don’t shy away from the camera, like Laura Freigang or Sara Doorsoun. But it will be really interesting to see who becomes more open as filming takes place and then plays a bigger role on screen.

...possible reservations with respect to the project: There was no one who said they didn’t want any part of it. There was also no one who was worried that something internal would get out or be portrayed in the wrong way – which would also have been completely unfounded.

...expectations for the documentary: We all have incentive and motivation enough without Warner Bros. It’s nice that a film crew is here accompanying us but it was also said from the beginning that it was not meant to cause added pressure or that we had to bring home the trophy to increase sales. The series should be about the team rather than the European Championships – regardless of what happens at the Euros.      

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The Germany Women’s team play in World Cup qualifying this week. They take on Bulgaria on Saturday (16:05 CEST) in Cottbus and against Serbia on Tuesday (16:00 CEST) in Chemnitz. We spoke to goalkeeper Merle Frohms (26) about the upcoming fixtures and about the planned documentary series on the DFB-Frauen from Warner Bros.

Merle Frohms on...

...World Cup qualifying as preparation for the Euros: We want to dominate in the upcoming qualifiers and be successful. We do also have one eye on the Euros, which is our main focus for next year, so it’s no bad thing that we are able to prepare for that with competitive games.

...first opponents Bulgaria: National team fixtures are always special. You can’t underestimate any opponent and for Bulgaria, playing against us is like a cup final. They’ll do everything they can to frustrate us, but we want to impose ourselves on the game and dominate.

...the Warner Bros. docuseries: It’s a brilliant project. We were super excited when we found out what the team had planned. We all have our own stories, and it came together right from the start as we immediately felt part of the film crew. I was a bit sceptical at first, when Martina Hänsel (Producer and director at Warner Bros.) came to me and asked if we could film something involving my movement and dance rhythms, but I accepted the challenge and it also became clear that there was no pressure. Everything was really relaxed.

...opinions on the series: We haven’t yet sat down as a team and discussed what should be shown and what should be left out. It was agreed from the start, however, that no one should be forced into anything.

...the team’s stars of the screen: There are a few players who don’t shy away from the camera, like Laura Freigang or Sara Doorsoun. But it will be really interesting to see who becomes more open as filming takes place and then plays a bigger role on screen.

...possible reservations with respect to the project: There was no one who said they didn’t want any part of it. There was also no one who was worried that something internal would get out or be portrayed in the wrong way – which would also have been completely unfounded.

...expectations for the documentary: We all have incentive and motivation enough without Warner Bros. It’s nice that a film crew is here accompanying us but it was also said from the beginning that it was not meant to cause added pressure or that we had to bring home the trophy to increase sales. The series should be about the team rather than the European Championships – regardless of what happens at the Euros.