
Fitschen and Leupolz: "World Cup fever has hit us"

The Germany woman’s team are currently in Ottawa preparing for their first match against Cote d´Ivoire on Sunday. Melanie Leupolz and national team coach Doris Fitschen addressed the media about their arrival in Ottawa and their training on the artificial turf.

“We had a good flight and already saw the World Cup fever from the kids at the airport. That is already a good start to the tournament,” said a very eager Melanie Leupolz. “Our hotel is big and nice. Plus we don’t see what the other teams are up too which I like as well. Regarding jetlag, we already got passed it and are sleeping very well.

Coach Doris Fitschen was also excited about the reception that the 150 fans gave her team. “It was amazing that so many people were at the airport, it gave us a World Cup feeling. That was an amazing feeling and we feel very well received here. The weather could be a bit better though.”

The World Cup will be played on artificially pitches only as this is something the team is not used to. “All in all, I find the pitch alright,” said Leupolz. “We have gotten used to it and we don’t think about it. We just have to perfect our passing game and make as little mistakes as possible.”

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The Germany woman’s team are currently in Ottawa preparing for their first match against Cote d´Ivoire on Sunday. Melanie Leupolz and national team coach Doris Fitschen addressed the media about their arrival in Ottawa and their training on the artificial turf.

“We had a good flight and already saw the World Cup fever from the kids at the airport. That is already a good start to the tournament,” said a very eager Melanie Leupolz. “Our hotel is big and nice. Plus we don’t see what the other teams are up too which I like as well. Regarding jetlag, we already got passed it and are sleeping very well.

Coach Doris Fitschen was also excited about the reception that the 150 fans gave her team. “It was amazing that so many people were at the airport, it gave us a World Cup feeling. That was an amazing feeling and we feel very well received here. The weather could be a bit better though.”

The World Cup will be played on artificially pitches only as this is something the team is not used to. “All in all, I find the pitch alright,” said Leupolz. “We have gotten used to it and we don’t think about it. We just have to perfect our passing game and make as little mistakes as possible.”