
DFB statement on FIFA investigations

The latest FIFA investigations have left the presidential board of the German Football Association (DFB) with a feeling of great bewilderment and the extent and severity of the accusations have left us speechlessness. German football stands united and urges the official investigating authorities to conduct a quick and thorough clarification of all accusations and suspicions, as well as demanding full cooperation from FIFA.

Although the presumption of innocence applies until the full issue is cleared, the ongoing process against FIFA and individual officials has seen the DFB presidential board reassured in their stance that a fundamental FIFA reform has to be expedited with full commitment.

DFB president Wolfgang Niersbach said: "Irrespective of the new developments, of which I and the other members were not informed of during Friday's executive committee meeting in Zurich, the path taken must be continued. The responsible reform committee must prepare a reform package during the next two meetings, in order for the executive committee to pass the legislation during their next meeting in December. After that, all national football associations will be invoked to submit their votes during FIFA congress on February 2016 in order to get the three-quarter majority."

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The latest FIFA investigations have left the presidential board of the German Football Association (DFB) with a feeling of great bewilderment and the extent and severity of the accusations have left us speechlessness. German football stands united and urges the official investigating authorities to conduct a quick and thorough clarification of all accusations and suspicions, as well as demanding full cooperation from FIFA.

Although the presumption of innocence applies until the full issue is cleared, the ongoing process against FIFA and individual officials has seen the DFB presidential board reassured in their stance that a fundamental FIFA reform has to be expedited with full commitment.

DFB president Wolfgang Niersbach said: "Irrespective of the new developments, of which I and the other members were not informed of during Friday's executive committee meeting in Zurich, the path taken must be continued. The responsible reform committee must prepare a reform package during the next two meetings, in order for the executive committee to pass the legislation during their next meeting in December. After that, all national football associations will be invoked to submit their votes during FIFA congress on February 2016 in order to get the three-quarter majority."