
DFB president thanks WC town Miyazaki

Next Tuesday the German national team will play ist last preliminary round game in group E against Cameroon. But the team of the German soccer federation will leave ist WC quarter in Myazaki on Monday. If the team should reach the 2nd round, the German group will move to Korea for the knock-out stage.

Gerhard Mayer-Vorfelder, DFB president and head of delegation, on Sunday took stock of the days in the Japanese city Myazaki at the farewell receipt. "I´m impressed particularly of the kindness which was shown to us. The representatives of the prefecture and the town were always solicitous for the welfare of our team and delegation. Every wish was fulfilled promptly. I will still remember the people who have met us with great warmth and the numerous fans who waited day for day in front of our hotel to get an autograph. For us it´s a farewell with melancholy", said Mayer-Vorfelder.

The DFB president is also content with the appearance of the German team. Mayer-Vorfelder: "The team has made an excellent impression - also outside the field. In the first game against Saudi Arabia the team has convinced completly. Against Ireland they missed the qualification for the 2nd round because of the lacking concentration in the final game phase. Against Cameroon they have now the decision in their own hand. I´m firmly convinced that we will manage it." created by mh

[bild1]Next Tuesday the German national team will play ist last preliminary round game in group E against Cameroon. But the team of the German soccer federation will leave ist WC quarter in Myazaki on Monday. If the team should reach the 2nd round, the German group will move to Korea for the knock-out stage.

Gerhard Mayer-Vorfelder, DFB president and head of delegation, on Sunday took stock of the days in the Japanese city Myazaki at the farewell receipt. "I´m impressed particularly of the kindness which was shown to us. The representatives of the prefecture and the town were always solicitous for the welfare of our team and delegation. Every wish was fulfilled promptly. I will still remember the people who have met us with great warmth and the numerous fans who waited day for day in front of our hotel to get an autograph. For us it´s a farewell with melancholy", said Mayer-Vorfelder.

The DFB president is also content with the appearance of the German team. Mayer-Vorfelder: "The team has made an excellent impression - also outside the field. In the first game against Saudi Arabia the team has convinced completly. Against Ireland they missed the qualification for the 2nd round because of the lacking concentration in the final game phase. Against Cameroon they have now the decision in their own hand. I´m firmly convinced that we will manage it."