
DFB grieves for Robert Enke

The German national team received the news of the death of Robert Enke Tuesday night. The team mourns for their former goalkeeper, who passed away at age 32 on Tuesday night. The team was informed by coach Joachim Loew and team manager Oliver Bierhoff in their hotel in Bonn. Bierhoff said: "We are in a state of shock. It is beyond words."

DFB-President Dr Theo Zwanziger: "We are stunned by the death of Robert Enke. Our prayers go out to his wife and his family."

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The German national team received the news of the death of Robert Enke Tuesday night. The team mourns for their former goalkeeper, who passed away at age 32 on Tuesday night. The team was informed by coach Joachim Loew and team manager Oliver Bierhoff in their hotel in Bonn. Bierhoff said: "We are in a state of shock. It is beyond words."

DFB-President Dr Theo Zwanziger: "We are stunned by the death of Robert Enke. Our prayers go out to his wife and his family."