
Another World Cup win for Lena Petermann?

Lena Petermann had no idea what awaited her and her team as they landed this previous Sunday in Ottawa. Unlike some of the other players on the team, Petermann knows Canada very well as she won the U20 World Cup last year. correspondent Paula Widmer sat down with Petermann asking what she thought of Ottawa and what she hopes to achieve. What was your first impression of Ottawa? You will be playing your first two games here against Cote d´Ivoire and Norway.

Lena Petermann: Already at the airport we received such a warm welcome as many fans greeted us as we cleared customs: Some kids made signs and brought flags while others cheered loudly. It was an amazing atmosphere and we were blown away by it all because we were not expecting it. The people here are very open and nice, so my first impression is very positive. How excited are you?

Petermann:Already at the airport we had this feeling that we are finally here. On the way to the hotel we passed the stadium and that confirmed it. Currently, the anticipation is bigger but you can feel that the World Cup is going to begin very soon. Last year you won the U20 World Cup which also took place in Canada. Will you try to top that this year?

Petermann: Sometimes you reminisce and think about your triumphs. This is my first time in Ottawa but since the U20 World Cup is in Canada people put two and two together. My experience from the U20 World Cup will be a massive help. Every tournament develops a player further, but this is a different feeling for me. A woman’s World Cup is biggest and highest level one can achieve as a player. Since I am there for the first time it is something very special. Are you going to approach this tournament with some respect?

Petermann:My team-mates have welcomed me with open arms. We understand each other very well and we are a proper team. I am very happy here. What do you hope to accomplish in this tournament?

Petermann: Firstly, I hope that we stick together as a team and show our ability. We want to stay in the tournament for a long time, and our dream is to reach the final. As for me personally, I want to gain some valuable experience and develop myself further as a player. Of course, I will be very happy to play some minutes.

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Lena Petermann had no idea what awaited her and her team as they landed this previous Sunday in Ottawa. Unlike some of the other players on the team, Petermann knows Canada very well as she won the U20 World Cup last year. correspondent Paula Widmer sat down with Petermann asking what she thought of Ottawa and what she hopes to achieve. What was your first impression of Ottawa? You will be playing your first two games here against Cote d´Ivoire and Norway.

Lena Petermann: Already at the airport we received such a warm welcome as many fans greeted us as we cleared customs: Some kids made signs and brought flags while others cheered loudly. It was an amazing atmosphere and we were blown away by it all because we were not expecting it. The people here are very open and nice, so my first impression is very positive. How excited are you?

Petermann:Already at the airport we had this feeling that we are finally here. On the way to the hotel we passed the stadium and that confirmed it. Currently, the anticipation is bigger but you can feel that the World Cup is going to begin very soon. Last year you won the U20 World Cup which also took place in Canada. Will you try to top that this year?

Petermann: Sometimes you reminisce and think about your triumphs. This is my first time in Ottawa but since the U20 World Cup is in Canada people put two and two together. My experience from the U20 World Cup will be a massive help. Every tournament develops a player further, but this is a different feeling for me. A woman’s World Cup is biggest and highest level one can achieve as a player. Since I am there for the first time it is something very special. Are you going to approach this tournament with some respect?

Petermann:My team-mates have welcomed me with open arms. We understand each other very well and we are a proper team. I am very happy here. What do you hope to accomplish in this tournament?

Petermann: Firstly, I hope that we stick together as a team and show our ability. We want to stay in the tournament for a long time, and our dream is to reach the final. As for me personally, I want to gain some valuable experience and develop myself further as a player. Of course, I will be very happy to play some minutes.